Friday, December 25, 2009

Credit Card Application Bankruptcy How Long After Bankruptcy Will It Take Before I Can Get A Credit Card With At Least A $2,000 Limit?

How long after bankruptcy will it take before I can get a credit card with at least a $2,000 limit? - credit card application bankruptcy

I filed bankruptcy in April 2006 and was released in August - My score went from 400 to 500, and flirt with the bottom 600th I have tried to put my credit card, about 5 credit cards, but they all have lower limits (do damage even if there are several open letters, which increased my score). I can not get my score higher, because my limits are so low, which indicates that the creditors are willing to trust me. I paid all bills on time I have over a year and a half (even if for some reason my credit report says I am still suffering, do not understand why they say that). Do you need a card with a reasonable time given, so that these accounts can not close that charge $ 150-175 for annual fees, the show that I mentioned can rely on credit, too. Where can I go or whom they a card with a reasonable time problem - or how long before the other creditors will end up in my application and approval?


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