Saturday, January 23, 2010

Package Holidays To California Fedex Delivered Package Late - How Do I Get Express Shipping Money Back?

Fedex delivered package late - how do I get express shipping money back? - package holidays to california

I ordered a CD online from Circuit City for my cousin for Christmas. He lives in California but was visiting in the city during the holidays ... I ordered before the CD in 28, and paid the additional costs and would be at home on the day of arrival (12/31) .. However, it was not presented until today (01/02) and is already on its way back to California. The package says: "Deliver on or before Dec31st. ... And tracking online, I see that Circuit City sent days when ordered ... FedEx is responsible for the delay. My question is, how can I the money for the additional costs and if I get only a minimum (like $ 3 paid) on the same day anyway. Of course, if you do not deliver to FedEx when it was supposed to.


dysenter... said...

Contact Circuit City, because you pay for the delivery.

dysenter... said...

Contact Circuit City, because you pay for the delivery.

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