Friday, February 19, 2010

Cervical Mucus Week Before Peiod Is It Normal To Have Lots Of Cervical Mucus A Week Before Your Period Is Due?

Is it normal to have lots of cervical mucus a week before your period is due? - cervical mucus week before peiod

My last period 28th September. On 12 October and 16 My husband and I had sex. But my husband had a vasectomy in February this year. For about five days I've had a bunch of white lotion like cervical mucus. Rare cervical mucus after ovulation and before a period comes. My cycles are 28-30 days long. Im waiting for my next period by 28 October. Have you, ladies experienced this before? Thank you for your contribution!


sweetgur... said...

This is not serious or anything, but it happens every month before my time. For me it's like a warning for me.

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