Saturday, February 20, 2010

Olive Leaf And Candida Candida - What To Do Now?

Candida - what to do now? - olive leaf and candida

I had to deal with Candida for about three months. As soon as I heard what had really bad week, I started the Candida diet. Then I began to garlic (twice daily), and a yeast mixture called Clear, tea tree oil, pau d'arco, caprylic, and had some something else that I do not remember me. After a month of that, I went to enoic acid oil, coconut and Pau d'Arco tea (coconut oil and tea twice a day, every time you ate acid). After a month of this, I changed my black walnut and olive leaf extracts, all the time on the Candida diet. I was right along the probiotics, and has started taking L-glutamine.

Here is my problem: Nothing has changed. My symptoms are always there, always FeGarbage, etc.. I am sure that my immune system is down. I'm hungry all the time, but if they eat anything - all puffed up - and immediately felt sick. I lost weight and just can not afford to lose weight at all.

I'm at the end of my mind. I do not know what to do other things which "silver bullet" to try to to the next. I'm tired, afraid to eat, and I'm tired of being sick.


Minx said...

Keep Candida diet and probiotics and glutamine ...... Ensure that a complete B complex, including all the B's, ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, choline, inositol, biotin, choline, PABA etc.etc. .... They will help their immunity, stress and gastrointestinal function ........ Hungry all the time to point out that you do not mate ...... get enough protein Eating nuts, organic seeds such as almonds and sunflower seeds, and ...... combine a handful of lentils or beans in an organic meal and a complete protein without eating anything ........... animal protein nasty red meat ...... even lean red meat is cured and smoked to ignite the situation for me .... Red meat, oddly enough, has been eand last part of the puzzle to me ........ Only when I completely vegan, and left the meat (I have celiac disease, lactose intolerance and soy intolerant and processed sugar) my symptoms are not completely Abate ........... Well-cooked lentils or beans to fill to reduce the impact of gas if mixed with Bio-organic almonds (about naughty sulfites and other chemicals used for preservation, too) ...... They also provide your brain with the fuel it needs to stop and stay a regular fry ........... eating loads of green vegies and also add cold pressed olive oil and season to taste a little salt.

Juice processing your green vegies also boost your energy, vitality and level of immunity that Broccolli, celery and pear flAVOR ...... Juice It Up and drink .......... before my juicer broke stooopid trimming the end of whole celery by half a head and a pear .... Broccolli instead of a garlic clove or two, to ...... is really a strong natural antibiotic and improved liver function ...... Juices and drinks ..... haha, are about one liter, but it is safe to use and Fired Up ......... Juice has the advantage of avoiding the fabulous digestion and will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream ...... Immediate energy and well, I think.

You can do ..... Hell, if not all.


Glass of water, taxes and Hang in there mate ..........; 0)

Peace Baby

angel196... said...

Follow the diet and take 20 drops three times a day of oil of oregano, you should check the difference at any time.

Wuviewoo due in March! said...

Going to the doctor and get a prescription for antifungal

Tigger said...

You should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

natural_... said...

I'm not sure which food to be open, but I recommend to my patients with Candida stay out all sugar, wheat, refined cereals and dairy products for at least 90 days.

If you do not want to deal with an MD from the West, I recommend you to help you find an experienced acupuncturist. The acupuncture will assess your unique individual constitution and symptoms, and then create a treatment plan that is likely to include acupuncture, herbs and nutrition with a detailed plan to combat this problem.

Every person and every body is different, what a person may not work for another plant. So, what supplements you can now not only more suited to your specific constitution and acupuncture can be assured of obtaining the CoRrect herbs and supplements.

Good luck!

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