Thursday, February 4, 2010

Southwestern House Plans Ntelos Phone Service What Would Be The Best Option For My Mother?

What would be the best option for my mother? - southwestern house plans ntelos phone service

My mother has two plans: Medicare and the Southwest. The problem is that it suffers from bad arthritis and can barely move around the house. He fell several times and had to call people to climb it () sometimes had to wait for hours. I think they should have someone to your house and check on her to come, maybe two or three times a week for several hours. Furthermore, perhaps the person may help bathe her and take medical appointments and shopping. In this insurance to pay for something that, for example, if the person is a nurse? How to pay for our family, an insurance company? What are our options?

Thank you,


Gummibea... said...

Well, it depends on your insurance. You may want to call and make sure. It does not include private duty nursing. While the attention has been claimed to be different. One can only hope that someone comes along and support in activities of daily living. I know that Medicaid cover this.

mbrcatz said...

Health insurance does not pay home care. You talk about the long-term care insurance.

To activate the policy must generally be able to fulfill certain functions. BUT, if you are at this point today, it's too late to buy the coverage.

No call from a local agent and they have the possibility of long-term care. She could not at that time into account - but it might be too late to buy one. Be sure that I really understand exactly what is covered, exactly when and how much.

Anonymous said...

Call social services in your area and talk to him.

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